Abaut God and men

jueves, octubre 13, 2005

Why do we maintain addictions?

When we talk of addictions, normally thinks about alcohol, drugs or tobacco. I speak of addictions in a ampler sense, which involves the use of the mentioned substances, but that includes in addition the actions that we make repeatedly to escape of the things we do not like, of the world that surrounds us, or of we ourself. I speak of the addiction to the work, of the addiction to opposed sex, the game, Internet or to any other made activity compulsively and that implies a so exclusive attention that it leaves others things important for our development outside. One and another addiction is harmful. The addiction to drugs is more well-known, but the conducts that have character of addictive, being accepted socially, also are harmful. I believe that what differentiates to one from another one are the effects that each one produces, but the problems that initiate them, are similar, although varying in intensity and complexity.
The drugs always have existed, but why now its use is so necessary to the people? I see the man moving in two scopes, the social one, that is like part of a group and the personal scope, intimo, the one of the reality of the weaknesses and defects. In group means the man (or woman) must be a triunfador, a conseguidor of goals and all we are in this same merry-go-round. Everything to ours around sings odas to which it makes money, scale, the one is able to obtain visible goals (without mattering as) and on the contrary watches with a little scorn to which it does not put all his effort in the daily fight and prevails. Some will say that always it has been thus, and is right, but never with the intensity of our days. This competition that is part of the life of all us, is growing permanently in intensity and every time we are more demanded, our fatigue at the end of the day is greater, our desire to make other activities is smaller every day, and finally our isolation by the lack of time increases.
As it is our life then; mediocre, without motivations, occupied of everything, of anything, because always single tour around the urgent thing but for anything of the important thing that finally is for which the human being is put in this earth. But in spite of everything, the poor citizen man follows (and he must) working, and as group obtains great things; the technology advances vertiginously, the economy generates wealth and it sells endless things that often we did not need, are constructed gigantic engineer installations, are obtained deep and disquieting scientific advances, the society "evolves" and in appearance it becomes every day more liberal and...
But in the meantime, what is happening with the other part of this human being? with that it has relation with his privacy, with his fears, his limitations, its personal experiences that formed and deformed him, what happens with this being who is of meat and bone, that has limits, that needs by its mental health to have them and to stop sometimes to reflect or to rest and under no point of view can do it. How does this creature makes to survive in a world that on the one hand urges on it to produce more, in many cases beyond of its physical forces and that on the other hand fill it of many small great gifts (carrots??) in order to maintain it happy and working. What exit does it has left to balance its own limitations versus the excessive exigencies of the means that surround it. The most occupied are the small addictions, those that make it forget by a while, to alienate itself of the stern thing, the demanding thing. And these go from the simple act to arrive at the house and to remain beaten in front of the television set, happening to work in excess to avoid to consider another kind of problems, to arriving at the frank use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. The addiction happens to be the crutch that it affirms us in our weaknesses and for that reason they are so difficult to leave, because on the one hand the pressures of the means that surround to us, far from diminishing, increase and our weaknesses follow there, living with us, making us uncomfortable and uneasiness.
I feel that the human beings, in some aspects we are very weak and I do not say it like something negative, but like another leave more from our own nature. Suddenly we seem invincible, proud of the obtained thing, untiring in our eagerness, but the truth is that all we needed to be beloveds, recognized in our profits, accepted in our vulnerability, forgiven in our mistakes. Whenever we thought that we have all the solution in our hands, harder the way is done to us, because we are not able to solve everything, we cannot reach everything what we want, we have limitations, we are finally "Human beings".
The addictions arise then like an answer, easy, at the hand to face a hostile world in some aspects, that we must face with weaknesses that are part of ourselves. We can improve these deficiencies ours, but also it is important that we consider that we do not have to be super-people to be happy. All we are different, each one with his and to his. In the acceptance of our strengths and weaknesses the departure point of better life. But it is not enough with it, it is necessary that we consider to another one, to which we have close, not to have some type of emotive transaction(you give me, I give you), but to want to know it a little beyond the habitual thing, to communicate and to review together all this that is happening to us, like individual beings and society. I believe that the greater risk than we are running, is the isolation (in the era of the communications, oh paradoxical) in which we worked daily; we do not go to the meetings of our children in the school, talked with other only of superficial things, we marvelled ourselves with one and thousand stupid things comunications media tell to us, we participated little in group initiatives to review what happens in our district and in short, we preferred a good afternoon of TV in house to any other activity. To participate, to be made listen, to look for the improvements that we needed as social group is the best remedies against the addictions, because the fullness is not thinking only about ourselves but in the others and as I comprise to them.