Abaut God and men

miércoles, octubre 19, 2005

We did not create ourselves

It does some time while I studied in the university the physiology branch (study of the internal operation of our organism) and I was surprised by the incredible form as the different systems that allow our life are related.
The relation of the Respiratory System with the Circulatory System, for example, is surprising; all our body is in constant renovation, production and remainder of the useless thing. Said of another way, each cell that composes our body, when making its work, eliminates among other things, dioxide of carbon. This remainder of the cell is taken by the red globules of the blood and taken until the lungs, where the globule make round delivery carbon dioxide and receives oxygen, which is taken to the cells of all the corners of our body again so that they follow the essential work of reproduction and product manufacture that our body needs. The interesting thing of the previous example is like two different systems, one related to the movement of the blood and the other related to the movement of oxygen, work in the most perfect agreement to obtain that the life follows ahead, so that each one of us can rise again in the morning, feels desires to feed itself, to undertake all type of challenges, to love, to walk, to communicate and to plan the future among other many things.
Each part of our body works in perfect complicity with all the others so that we are able from moving a finger, happening to raise running a hill, until the possibility that only the human beings have, to dream about a future that not yet exists.
In order to illustrate I am going to name two examples more; The skin indicates to the brain by means of nervous completions that is being burned, from the brain travels an order to the nervous system so that this it contracts a certain nerve, (which is a true cable), and this way the part of the body that was exposed to the fire retires quickly of the danger. The eye presents to us the characteristics of a certain object, thanks to that information our hands know exactly how and from where we must take that object to move it of place.
The cooperation between different parts from our body is perfect and we do not realize generally, because all these miracles comprise permanent of our daily routine.
And how did this take place, as it got to work this fantastic harmony? Many say that it took place by himself, which passing of thousands of years so that from a basic cell (whose origin they cannot explain with absolute certainty) and by means of evolution, it was come to conclusion. But this theory has between many faults, the one of not explaining as the perfect cooperation got to take place between one and the other systems. Systems that cannot have been born first one and later the other, because each one needs the other to survive.
There is an order established in a certain moment, until the person with less knowledge can ocurr to take knowledge about this, and that order inevitably speaks us of a superior being, speaks to us of God. God ordered all the things so that they worked correctly and that order was not structured alone, by simple chance. God in its Word shows to us that was He the one that create and organized each part of our body and the form in which it had to work so that the life took place.
In the Bible, the book of David, says the following thing about God:

13: For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb. 14: I praise thee, for thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are thy works! Thou knowest me right well; 15: my frame was not hidden from thee, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth. 16: Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
(Psalm 139, 13-16)

Its surprising that this text says "... in thy book were written... ", it reminds me a lot the Genetic Code that the man finishes discovering and that still he is deciphering. Thistext, written does more than two thousand years, it speaks to us that God was the one that create our body and allow that worked. How, reviewing the perfection of this could we think that we created ourselves?. That idea escapes to all human logic. Its like if we were saying that a certain building created itself, due to the passage of time. In this situation the idea becomes inconceivable, and we say that an architect must it have done. And a building is infinitely simpler than still the simple part but of our body.
God leave us the wonders of its creation like testimony of its existence, of such form that not yet having heard never speak about Him, we pruned to deduce its presence by the wonders that surround to us.
Then, how not believing in the existence of God? It would be easier to show its existence that try to deny it.